
Elsie's Corner

This section is for those cat people out there and those who thought I was traveling alone. I think Elsie was a little sad when we first got here and was sleeping a lot.....SO I got her some treats and toys. Above Elsie is playing with her very own catnip ball that she can not only play with but also eat. Don't worry Linus and Macy I have one for you both! She enjoyed rolling around on the floor with her "pawbreaker" and pushing it under large pieces of furniture for me to retrieve (she didn't want to leave me out of the fun).
Elsie girl exploring the pantry! Your nose has failed you...the kitty treats are one level lower. We're both doing great! And Elsie is excited to have the family come and visit for Thanksgiving. Thanks for all the well wishes.


Alyson said...

Oh I know that girl-cat can be trouble, but she sure is cute!! :)

Unknown said...

der elllen,

thanx fr the pawwbraeker! i caint wait 2 have u bak in tesas so i can play wit thee haerbands.


Erin said...

SO funny I was cracking up....