
Smiling Faces, Beautiful Places

Yes, boys and girls it's not all play. We do have to go to work a few days out of the week. I am working in the Medical ICU. Please note the palm trees...everyone has Palmetto Pride in the state of South Carolina. They are everywhere!


Alyson said...

The MedICU of what hospital...whole name--with my aged eyes, I am unable to read the "fine print" in your photo here. :) Sure sounds like all play! (Especially when you're at the beach and I'm in my cubicle in midtown!)

mallie and dallie said...

maybe i can help Alyson out--medical university of south carolina--bifocals are great!! glad to hear it's not all work in south carolina. Hoobie wanted me to tell Ellyn to find time to run on the beach, preferably the boardwalk if they have them there. enjoy the sun and sand, jill