
One Carolina to the Next!

I have officially headed south to the lower Carolina. Charleston is only 3 hours south of Charlotte. Lauren and I arrived in Charleston Saturday afternoon after a good-bye brunch with Allison and Ryan.
We really like our apartment! We didn't like carrying all of our belongings up to the third floor. There are pictures below of our new home for the next 3 months! Come and visit! We'll take you to the beach!
The picture below is taken from the door to the screened-in porch.
Picture with Lauren's wing behind me and looking towards the front door. Taken with the kitchen behind me. My room is to the right of the windows. The highlight of the picture below is the decorative tree in the corner. That's Lauren on the couch! We were impressed with the tree and the large pictures on the walls. While the apartment is nicely decorated our TV is sitting on the floor because there was no TV stand. Also sad there is no microwave. Should have a delivery tomorrow! This is my room! So our first South Carolina experience goes as follows. We didn't get our cable hooked-up until today. Lauren and I went in search of a sports bar to watch basketball on Sunday. We end up at George's (hole in the wall) sports bar. When we arrived at 1:30 in the afternoon being 2 of about 10 patrons and 1 of 3 cars in the parking lot. We were a little wary, but they had the game, food and beer so we were happy. We sadly watched the Longhorns lose to Memphis. An obnoxious Memphis fan didn't help. Just prior to the Davidson game beginning the bar started to fill in. By the middle of the second half the entire bar was packed. We come to find out that everyone is there to see Wrestlemania 24! We befriend some nice looking young men from the Citadel at the booth next to ours. They assured us that this was not what South Carolina was all about, but it was hard for them to deny as we were being stalked for our table as the basketball game was ending. We ended up staying at George's for a good 6 hours. Now we know where we can go to watch wrestling if we ever get the urge! Stay tuned to see if we get a different impression of South Carolina!


dough said...

It's about time you updated. I have been stalking the page for a month waiting for an update. I am definitely coming to visit.

Alyson said...

Whew...thanks for the fix. It'd been nearly a month since the last blog update! :) Looks good...can't wait to come visit! Have you driven to the beach yet?

Sol said...

Everything looks nice, I'm sure you'll manage to make it 'just like home.' It is so nice to be able to see what you are up to. Thanks for sharing and keep them coming!

Sol said...

P.S.: I'd advice you to stay away from guys who like wrestling. Despite what the commercials would have us think, they usually also like monster truck shows, mullets and Jerry Springer. (I'm kidding!)

Kellyn said...

E - I bet those couches are comfortable and familiar seeing as they are OUR COUCHES. SC has good taste. I can't wait to visit - it looks like a party (except when you're not working). PS, Jed is rocking out right now downstairs. SAVE ME ;)