
Finger Lakes Wine

Our first adventure into New York wine country. It rained a lot as we left Syracuse, but cleared up by the time we made it to Cayuga Lake. Cayuga Lake is one of the many finger lakes. It was about an hour drive from Syracuse. That's Alyson in the car...she was taking tons of pictures out the rainy windows. Cayuga Lake is the Eastern most of the finger lakes and one of the bigger ones. No one knew how much fun we were gonna have at the start of the day.
So happy to be out of the car and at the first winery.
Alyson, which way do we go?
Sister's tasting wine! Alyson was trying all the different fruit flavors at this first winery.
Some of Lauren's handy self portrait work!
First winery was a success! Our first of many boxes.
Alyson and Doobie, the namesake for the wineries "Jackass" Wine.
Grapes at Goose Watch, the second winery we visited.
Very picturesque here! We tasted wine in the building in the background and you can see the lake in the far background.
Which way Alyson?
Pictures out by the grapes after we did a little tasting and shopping. It was turning into a beautiful day!
Sisters and the burning bush at our next winery.
They had lots of barrels and were decorated for Halloween. The man directing our tasting was a super cute old man that had a rhyme for every wine! (Did you catch that?)
Even though we didn't like many wines at this vineyard...the house cat was a big hit with our resident cat lady, Alyson.
Sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters! Caring, sharing, every little thing we are wearing!
The real story is there was a bug in my hair and my sister was helping me get it out!
The fourth winery was a little further off the lake, but very nice scenery and more animals...
This is Melody the Scottish Cow.
We bought treats to feed Melody and the goats.
I love that Alyson and Lauren are leaning and so are Melody and the goat!
Happy Hallowine!
This is the view we had while driving between wineries. I didn't mind being the driver, I had lots to look at.
Grapes at the fifth winery!
It was so nice outside, we were able to have lunch outside under a canopy of leaves.
We had lunch and wine lakeside at the Thirsty Owl Winery.
We made a little discovery during our wine tasting...while Lauren likes whites and I like reds...turns out I have a new found affinity for some sweet wines. They're so NICE! A little sweet, but NICE!
Our last and favorite winery. We bought more wine at Lucas Winery than any other place. I believe it was 6 bottles for each of us.
We made it home with all these boxes of wine. I personally bought a case and a half. I can't wait to start drinking them! Finger Lakes wine tasting was a huge hit!

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