
Day 3: Waikiki Beach

The day started with a breakfast buffet at Duke's. And then we promptly moved ourselves to the beach. There had been much debate from my Aunt Gale about taking a ride in the outrigger canoe. She wanted to know how big the waves were, what did we have to do, will I lose my glasses, do I have to wear a bathing suit. The questions just kept coming. She was told she had no choice, she would be going and she would like it! I'm proud to say that Gale survived the outrigger canoe ride and lives to tell others about her adventure. She was even lucky enough to just ride. Mom, Lauren, and myself did the hard work. That's why Mom's showing off her muscles in the picture above. The ladies walked the streets of Waikiki for shopping while the younger ladies enjoyed some beach time. Everyone was rewarded with a booze cruise. Pass the mai tais around! Our friend Natalie met us for the booze cruise. That's Diamond Head in the background.
A little mother daughter time.
To my great surprise both Mom and Gale jumped off the side of the boat when the time came. They helped make waves in the ocean. That's Mom front and center and Gale is just to the right above the "O". Apparently the trouble I have climbing back on the boat runs in the family.
After getting cleaned up from the beach we headed to Jimmy Bufett's for dinner. A regular bunch of parrot heads.
We started out with a mountain of nachos. Mother like daughter!
We took a stroll over to the beach after dinner and watched the sunset.
After the sunset we watched fireworks from the Hilton Hawaiian Village. I had never seen them before and I have to admit I was pretty impressed.

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