
Garden Week 2

Week 2
Tomatoes are getting tall.
Had to stake the basil. The wind was taking a toll on the taller plants.
View from above.
It's hard to see, but there's a blossom for my hot banana peppers.
Elsie helping herself to some basil.

Amanda's Wedding

I was lucky enough to be Allison's date to her cousin Amanda's wedding at Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. Sorry you couldn't be there Ryan.
The table assignments and place cards were in small plantings of succulent, which were also the favor. I loved them!
I collected several succulents from out-of-towners that couldn't take their favor with them. They are my new kitchen babies.


German Johnsons and the Pink Girls Week 1

Week 1
My plants are on the move.
I am very excited. All the produce has been staked.
Herbs and Peppers

Happy Birthday to Me!

My parents took me out to dinner for my birthday.
We went to TRIO at the Four Seasons.
I requested a very complex coconut birthday cake. Thanks go to Bobby Flay and my mom.
Happy Birthday to Me!
Happy Birthday Dear Ellyn!
Cake and filling was my favorite part. So yummy!

Ellyn's Green Thumb

I started by birthday weekend by planting my summer garden!
I had lots of help from Momma Scholz. She's moistening soil and then I moved it to the earth boxes.
Earth boxes in transition.
It was a beautiful spring day. Elsie had her first afternoon of patio time. We were making a planting plan, where to put which plants.
Top row left to right: Sweet Basil, Jalapeno, Cilantro
Bottom row left to right: Cinnamon Basil, Hot Banana Peppers, Dill
Left: German Johnsons
Right: Pink Girls
Both are varieties of heirloom pink.
My finished garden. Thank you Mom for all your help! So excited for my new babies to start growing. Stay tuned for garden updates.